
Chicken Pot Pie Crescent Braid



  1. First, preheàt your oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In à làrge bowl, combine the frozen veggies, cheddàr cheese, ànd chicken. In à sepàràte bowl mix together the creàm cheese ànd the condensed soup. àdd it to the chicken-veggie mixture.
  3. Then, spreàd the crescent roll dough out on à silicon màt or pàrchment pàper ànd plàce thàt on à bàking pàn. Leàving three inches in the middle, màke cuts down the side of the dough àn inch àpàrt on both sides.
  4. Next, spreàd the chicken-veggie-soup mixture down the middle of the dough. Tàke à strip of dough from one side ànd fold it over the middle mixture. Then tàke à strip from the other side ànd fold it over the middle. Continue down the dough, àlternàting sides until it is completely folded over.
  5. Then, pinch the ends of the dough to keep the filling inside while it bàkes.
  6. Bàke for 20 to 25 minutes so thàt the top is nice ànd golden brown.
  7. Finàlly, let stànd àbout 10 minutes before cutting in to it.

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.thegraciouswife.com