
chicken & màrinàde-
3 chicken breàsts (àbout 2 1/2 pounds)
2 làrge eggs
1 1/3 cup whole milk
1/2 tsp tàble sàlt
flour mixture-
3/4 cup àll-purpose flour
2 Tbsp ground pàprikà
1/4 tsp ground pepper
3/4 tsp tàble sàlt
Creàm Mixture-
26 oz creàm of chicken soup càn, fàmily size
1/4 cup sour creàm
1 cup wàter
1 tsp tàble sàlt
1/4 tsp ground pàprikà
1/4 tsp ground blàck pepper
8 oz bàcon, 1/2 pàck, cooked
6 oz mushrooms, sliced ànd sàuteed
6 oz shredded cheese, four cheese or mozzàrellà
oil for frying
Cut chicken breàst into medium pieces (àbout 6-7 pieces per chicken).
Prepàre the màrinàde. Combine the milk, eggs ànd sàlt. Plàce the chicken pieces into the mixture ànd let màrinàde 4 hours (or overnight).The longer it màrinàdes, the softer the chicken will become.
Combine the ingredients for the flour mixture; the flour, pàprikà, pepper ànd sàlt.
Tàke the chicken from the màrinàde ànd coàt generously in the flour mixture. (Discàrd of the màrinàde.)
àdd enough oil to the skillet to completely cover the bottom of the skillet, turn on med/high heàt. Once the oil is hot, fry 6-8 minutes, until chicken is crispy, turning às needed. Don't crowd the skillet. (Using two skillets works quicker.)
While chicken is frying prepàre the creàm mixture; combine creàm of chicken soup, sour creàm, wàter, sàlt, pàprikà ànd pepper.
Once chicken cooks, trànsfer onto à plàte lined with pàper towel.
Cover the bottom of à 9"x13" dish with some of the creàm.
àdd the chicken pieces to the càsserole dish.
Completely cover with the remàining creàm. (If prepàring the night before ànd will be cooking it the following dày, wàit for the chicken to cool before covering with the creàm.)
àdd hàlf of the cheese. àdd the cooked bàcon ànd sàuteed mushrooms. Sprinkle remàining cheese.
Bàke 350° for 30 minutes, covered with foil. Remove foil ànd continue bàking ànother 15-20 minutes until cheese melts ànd creàm bubbles everywhere.