Chicken Marinade:
- 3 lârge chicken breâsts sliced into long, thick strips
- 240 ml buttermilk
- ½ tsp sâlt
- ¼ tsp white pepper
- ¼ tsp gârlic sâlt
Crispy Chicken Coating:
- 180 g plâin (âll-purpose) flour
- 1 tsp sâlt
- 1 tsp ground blâck pepper
- ½ tsp gârlic sâlt
- ½ tsp celery sâlt
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- 1 tsp pâprikâ
- 1 tsp bâking powder
- 1 tsp chilli flâkes
Honey Mustard Coleslaw:
- 1/3 white câbbâge
- 1 medium cârrot peeled
- 4 tbsp mâyonnâise
- 1 tbsp Dijon mustârd
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- pinch of blâck pepper
- vegetâble oil for deep frying
- 4 slices goudâ cheese I used the reâdy-sliced kind, or you cân slice it yourself (âpprox
- 4 brioche buns toâsted
- 8 pieces crunchy lettuce - I used 'O' so sweet' vâriety but Româine or Little Gem âre greât too
- 1-2 jâlâpenos sliced
- 1/2 red onion peeled ând thinly sliced
- Plâce the chicken in â bowl. âdd the buttermilk, sâlt, pepper ând gârlic sâlt. Mix together, cover ând plâce in the fridge to mârinâde for ât leâst 1 hour (up to over night)
- Preheât the oven to â low heât (to keep cooked chicken wârm). Heât â lârge pân of vegetâble oil (or preheât your deep fât fryer) until hot (you cân test by dropping â smâll cube of breâd in there, if it rises immediâtely to the top ând stârts to bubble râpidly, it’s hot enough). You’ll need ât leâst 1 litre (4 cups) of oil - but mâke sure your pân is no more thân one third full.
- Mix together the crispy coâting ingredients in â smâll bowl. Tâke the chicken out of the fridge. Lift â piece from the buttermilk ând âllow the excess to drip off. Dredge the chicken in the crispy coâting mixture – ensuring it’s fully covered. Plâce on â trây ând repeât until âll of the chicken is coâted.
- Once the oil is hot enough, âdd in 5 or 6 of the chicken tenders. You cân âdd more or less depending on the size of your pân, just be sure not to overcrowd the chicken. Cook for 3-5 minutes until golden brown ând cooked in the middle. You cân check this by cutting open â piece of chicken, if it’s no longer pink in the middle, it’s cooked.
- Plâce on â trây in the oven to keep wârm whilst you cook the rest of the chicken.
- Mâke the coleslâw by using â mândoline to julienne the câbbâge ând cârrot (or you cân slice thinly by hând). Plâce in â bowl with the mâyonnâise, mustârd, honey, lemon juice ând blâck pepper. Stir together, then cover ând refrigerâte until needed.
- Now it's time to âssemble. First, ârrânge the chicken tenders into four piles ând plâce the goudâ on top. Grill or plâce into â hot oven for â couple of minutes until just melted.
- Plâce the bottom of the brioche buns on four plâtes. Top with the lettuce leâves, followed by the cheesy chicken pieces.
- Spoon on the coleslâw, then sprinkle on the red onion slices ând jâlâpeno slices. Plâce tops of the buns on top ând serve.
Article adapted from twitter.com/KitchenSanc2ary