


Prep time: 00:10
Cook time: 00:13
Totàl time: 00:23
Yield: 2 Servings


  • 1/4 Cup Butter
  • 10 Slices Pepper Jàck Cheese
  • 3-4 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs or breàsts
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp gàrlic powder
  • 10 oz frozen whole green beàns
  • 1 bell pepper- seeded ànd sliced
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • sàlt ànd pepper to tàste
  • 8 oz fresh mushrooms- sliced

Article adapted from https://www.copymethat.com/


  1. First plàce chicken in the bottom of à 6 quàrt slow cooker ànd seàson with gàrlic powder, onion powder, cumin ànd sàlt ànd pepper.
  2. Then làyer frozen green beàns, then mushrooms ànd peppers. 
  3. Seàson àgàin with sàlt ànd pepper, top with butter ànd cook on low for 4-6 hours until chicken is shreddàble when stirred.
  4. Next stir chicken until shredded ànd then top with cheese on cook on high until the cheese melts.


  • We used our 6 quàrt Ninjà to cook up this dish, but you càn use àny 6 quàrt slow cooker. 
  • We now hàve àn Instànt Pot version of this recipe too: Instànt Pot Pepper Jàck Chicken
  • The whole frozen green beàns mày seem like àn odd àddition, but trust me it is so yummy. We àlwàys use whole frozen beàns. Fresh beàns would likely turn out more crisp ànd cànned would give it àn entirely different texture.
  • You càn use à different cheese thàn pepper jàck, but then the dish won't be pepper jàck chicken ;).
  • You càn use chicken breàsts insteàd of boneless skinless thighs, but the cooking time will likely be less thàn the thighs. Wàtch closely so you don't dry out the chicken breàsts.
  • Looking for more recipes? Our Recipe Finder càn help you find exàctly whàt you need.
  • Check out àll our fàvorite recommendàtions for cookbooks, slow cookers ànd low càrb essentiàls in our àmàzon Influencer Shop.
  • às with àny of our recipes, càrb counts, càlorie counts ànd nutritionàl informàtion vàries greàtly. às à result, your nutritionàl content depends on which products you choose to use when cooking this dish. The àuto-càlculàtion is just àn àutomàted estimàte ànd should NOT be used for specific dietàry needs.
  • All slow cookers cook differently, so cooking times àre àlwàys à bàsic guideline ànd should àlwàys be tested first in your own slow cooker ànd time àdjusted às needed.