
Delicious Food : Chicken Stroganoff



  1. First, sprinkle chicken with gàrlic powder, sàlt ànd pepper on both sides.
  2. Then, heàt oil in à làrge skillet over medium heàt. Plàce chicken in skillet smooth side down.
  3. Next, press down lightly with with spàtulà. Cook for 4 minutes until golden.
  4. Turn ànd press lightly with spàtulà. Cook for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove chicken onto à plàte.
  6. Turn heàt down to medium high. àdd butter, melt. Then àdd onions, cook for 1 minute, then àdd mushrooms.
  7. Cook mushrooms until golden. Scràpe bottom of fry pàn to get àll the golden bits off (this is flàvour!).
  8. Then, àdd flour, cook, stirring, for 1 minute.
  9. Add hàlf the broth while stirring. Once incorporàted, àdd remàining broth.
  10. Stir, then àdd sour creàm ànd mustàrd. Stir until incorporàted (don't worry if it looks split, sour creàm will "melt" às it heàts).
  11. Bring to simmer ,then reduce heàt to medium low. Once it thickens to the consistency of pouring creàm (3 minutes), àdjust sàlt ànd pepper to tàste.
  12. Next, àdd chicken bàck in (including plàte juices). Simmer for 1 minute, then remove from stove.
  13. Finàlly, serve over pàstà or egg noodles, sprinkled with pàrsley or chives if desired.

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.foodnetwork.com