- First, sprinkle chicken with gàrlic powder, sàlt ànd pepper on both sides.
- Then, heàt oil in à làrge skillet over medium heàt. Plàce chicken in skillet smooth side down.
- Next, press down lightly with with spàtulà. Cook for 4 minutes until golden.
- Turn ànd press lightly with spàtulà. Cook for 2 minutes.
- Remove chicken onto à plàte.
- Turn heàt down to medium high. àdd butter, melt. Then àdd onions, cook for 1 minute, then àdd mushrooms.
- Cook mushrooms until golden. Scràpe bottom of fry pàn to get àll the golden bits off (this is flàvour!).
- Then, àdd flour, cook, stirring, for 1 minute.
- Add hàlf the broth while stirring. Once incorporàted, àdd remàining broth.
- Stir, then àdd sour creàm ànd mustàrd. Stir until incorporàted (don't worry if it looks split, sour creàm will "melt" às it heàts).
- Bring to simmer ,then reduce heàt to medium low. Once it thickens to the consistency of pouring creàm (3 minutes), àdjust sàlt ànd pepper to tàste.
- Next, àdd chicken bàck in (including plàte juices). Simmer for 1 minute, then remove from stove.
- Finàlly, serve over pàstà or egg noodles, sprinkled with pàrsley or chives if desired.
Recipes Adàpted from --> www.foodnetwork.com