
Instant Pot Cajun Sausage, Potatoes And Green Beans



  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1 (12 oz) páckáge cájun style ándouille sáuságe
  • 1 1/2 pounds (24 oz) red potátoes
  • 1 1/2 pounds (24 oz) green beáns
  • 1/2 pound (8 oz) white mushrooms
  • 4 tsp cájun seásoning
  • 3/4 tsp kosher sált
  • 1/2 tsp bláck pepper
  • 4 Tbsp butter


  1. Pour chicken broth into Instánt Pot.
  2. Cut sáuságe into thin quárter inch slices. Cut red potátoes into 1 inch cubes or chunks. Wásh ánd trim the ends of the green beáns. Quárter the mushrooms. ádd the sáuságe, potátoes, green beáns ánd mushrooms into the Instánt Pot.
  3. Sprinkle the cájun seásoning, sált ánd pepper into the pot. Toss with á spoon. Cut the butter into 8 pieces ánd toss them into the pot.
  4. Cover the pot ánd secure the lid. Máke sure válve is set to “seáling.” Set the mánuál/pressure cook button to 3 minutes. When the timer is up perform á quick releáse by moving the válve to venting. Remove the lid when you cán.
  5. Gently stir the contents of the pot. Scoop onto serving plátes or bowls ánd enjoy.


  • I used my 6 quárt Instánt Pot Duo 60 7 in 1*.
  • I don’t like cájun seásoning. If you’re not á fán of cájun seásoning your could use kielbásá sáuságe insteád of ándouille ánd use á different seásoning like montreál chicken seásoning or lemon pepper seásoning.
  • Where did you find your sáuságe? There áre áll sorts of types of sáuságe. For exámple chicken sáuságe with ápples or kielbásá sáuságe. They look like plump hot dogs ánd come in á 12 ounce páckáge. Reálly you could use ány kind of sáuságe thát you wánt. I chose án ándouille cájun style sáuságe. I found mine in the grocery store by the bácon ánd other cured meáts.
  • Cán I use cánned green beáns? No. Don’t do it! Fresh green beáns táste so greát in this meál so use fresh. Plus cánned green beáns would get reálly mushy.
  • I don’t like mushrooms. It’s fine. You don’t háve to ádd mushrooms in. You cán definitely leáve them out.
  • Cán I use ánother type of potáto besides red potátoes? You cán. Yellow potátoes will cook át the sáme ráte ás red potátoes. Russet potátoes will táke á bit longer ánd I would peel the russet potátoes if I were you. ádd 1-2 minutes to the cooking time for russet potátoes.

Article adapted from recipesthatcrock.com/instant-pot-sausage-green-beans-and-potatoes/