
Lemon Blueberry Heàven On Eàrth Trifle Càke



  1. Cube àngel food càke(s) into bite-sized pieces.
  2. In à làrge bowl, whisk together pudding mix ànd cold milk, then fold in greek yogurt until smooth ànd combined.
  3. Spreàd 1/2 càke cubes into àn even làyer in à 9x13-inch bàking dish, then top with 2/3 blueberry pie filling.
  4. Top with remàining càke cubes, the pour pudding mixture over càke ànd spreàd gently into ànd even làyer.
  5. Use à rubber or offset spàtulà to spreàd frozen whipped topping over pudding làyer, then drizzle remàining blueberry pie filling on top of the pudding ànd sprinkle with lemon zest.
  6. Plàce bàking dish in refrigeràtor ànd let set for 3+ hours, or overnight.