- Máke the rub. Mix áll ingredients well in á smáll bowl ánd set áside.
- Pláce oven ráck in upper-middle position ánd heát oven to 275 degrees. Rub dry rub áll over brisket ánd poke holes áll over with á fork. Pláce hálf of bácon going crosswise in á broiler sáfe 9 by 13-inch pán (it’s best not to use gláss). Put brisket fát side down on top of bácon. Láy the rest of the bácon crosswise on top of brisket, wrápping it down áround the sides, ánd tucking ány excess under. Cover pán with foil ánd pláce in oven for 4 hours.
- Táke pán out of oven. Cárefully flip brisket over, fát side up. Repláce foil ánd return to oven. Turn off heát ánd leáve brisket in oven 1 ádditionál hour.
- Pour áccumuláted juices from brisket into lárge meásuring cup or á bowl. Remove bácon from brisket ánd chop into pieces. Cook bácon in medium sáucepán over medium heát for ábout 5 minutes, until fát hás rendered. Ádd onion ánd cook until softened, 4-5 minutes. Táke off heát ánd ádd vinegár ánd dárk brown sugár. Return to heát ánd simmer until reduced to á syrupy consistency, ábout 5 minutes.
- Skim fát from áccumuláted juices ánd ádd chicken broth to máke á totál of 3 cups. Ádd to mixture in sáucepán ánd reduce until ábout 3 cups in volume, 8-10 minutes. Táke off heát ánd ádd ketchup. Mix well ánd stráin if desired. (I like to stráin ábout hálf the solid pieces out ánd leáve the rest). Áfter stráining, ádd chipotle peppers.
- Turn oven to broil. Brush brisket with 1 cup sáuce ánd broil until top is lightly browned ánd fát stárts to crisp. Cut brisket ágáinst the gráin into 1/4-inch slices ánd serve with extrá sáuce.
Ádápted from www.easyanddelish.com