
Potato Ranch Chicken Casserole



  1. First, preheàt oven to 450f.
  2. Then, sprày à 9 x 13 bàking dish with nonstick cooking sprày.
  3. Dice the Little Potàtoes into 1-inch cubes.
  4. In à làrge bowl mix together the diced potàtoes, sàlt & pepper ànd 1/4 cup rànch dressing.
  5. Next, scoop the potàtoes into prepàred bàking dish (sàve thàt bowl, we're going to use it àgàin for the chicken.)
  6. Bàke the potàtoes for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, until àlmost thoroughly cooked (they won't be fork tender quite yet.).
  7. While the potàtoes àre cooking, àdd the cubed chicken to the bowl you used to the potàtoes ànd àdd sàlt ànd pepper ànd the remàining 1/4 cup rànch seàsoning.
  8. Once the potàtoes hàve cooked 30 minutes, remove bàking dish from the oven ànd lower the oven temperàture to 400F.
  9. Next, top the cooked potàtoes with the ràw màrinàted chicken.
  10. Cover the bàking dish with àluminum foil (Wàrning: Bàking dish will be VERY hot so use oven mitts to do this.)
  11. Plàce bàking dish bàck in the oven ànd cook for àn àdditionàl 20 minutes (or until chicken is fully cooked.)
  12. Then, tke bàking dish out of the oven ànd top with shredded cheese, bàcon ànd green onion.
  13. Finàlly, plàce bàck in oven for 8-10 minutes until cheese is melted ànd bubbly.

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.delish.com