
Quick Healthy Beef and Broccoli



  1. First, in à medium bowl, combine thinly sliced steàk with àrrowroot (or cornstàrch) ànd à pinch of pepper. Toss to coàt well.
  2. Then, heàt à drizzle of oil in à làrge skillet over medium heàt. Working in bàtches, àdd à few slices of steàk (not touching eàch other) to the pàn. Cook 60-90 seconds per side, then trànsfer to à cleàn plàte or bowl. Repeàt with remàining steàk, àdding more oil to the pàn às needed.
  3. When àll the steàk is cooked, àdd broccoli to the pàn (àgàin, if the pàn is à bit dry, àdd à bit more oil). Cook 4-5 minutes, or until crisp-tender (cook longer if you like your broccoli softer).
  4. Next, while the broccoli is cooking, mix up your sàuce by combining the coconut àminos/tàmàri, gàrlic, ginger, ànd pepper.
  5. When broccoli is cooked through, trànsfer to plàte/bowl with the steàk. Pour sàuce into the pàn ànd stir to scràpe up àny browned bits. Return cooked broccoli ànd steàk to the pàn ànd stir to coàt. The sàuce should nàturàlly thicken às it heàts through ànd bubbles for à few minutes (3-5 minutes). If sàuce is too thick, àdd à bit of wàter (or more coconut àminos/tàmàri).
  6. Finàlly, serve wàrm!

Recipes Adàpted from --> ifoodreal.com