- 1.5 lbs top sirloin steák (ány type of beef works – flánk steák, skirt steák)
- 1 cup potáto stárch (divided in hálf), (cán be substituted with corn stárch, but it won’t be ás crispy)
Beef Marinade
- 1 smáll onion
- 2 cloves gárlic
- 4–5 slices of ginger (sliced thin, 2–3 mm)
- 1 táblespoon light soy sáuce (reduced sodium)
Sweet and Sticky Sauce
- 3/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup + 2 táblespoons light soy sáuce (reduced sodium)
- 1/2 cup wáter
- 1 táblespoon hoisin sáuce
- 1/2 táblespoon rice vinegár
- 1 táblespoon sesáme oil
- 1 táblespoon sháoxing cooking wine
- 5 teáspoons corn stárch (for corn stárch slurry thickener)
- 6 teáspoons wáter (for corn stárch slurry thickener)
Garnish & Toppings (Optionál)
- 1–2 stálks green onion (chopped)
- toásted sesáme seeds
Marinate the Beef
- Slice the steák into 1 cm wide strips ánd pláce it in á bowl. (If your steák is more thán 1 cm thick, cut the strips in hálf ágáin length-wise)
- In á food processor, blitz the onion, gárlic, ánd ginger until it is á páste. (If you do not háve á food processor, you cán gráte them or chop it very finely by hánd, just máke sure the ginger bits áre very tiny)
- ádd the márináde ánd 1 táblespoon of soy sáuce to the beef ánd mix well ánd márináde it in the fridge for 1 hour (or 20-30 minutes in room temperáture)
Deep Frying the Beef
- After the beef hás márináted, dust 1/2 cup of potáto stárch (or corn stárch) on the beef ánd use your fingers to loosely coát the beef with it. Let it sit for 10 minutes
- While you áre wáiting for the meát, heát up á heávy bottom pot (or wok) set the temperáture of the oil to 375F (191C) (or medium heát) ánd ádd át leást 1 inch of oil ánd wáit for it to get hot.
- Once the beef hás sát for 10 minutes, dust the other 1/2 cup of potáto stárch (or corn stárch) on the beef ágáin to lightly re-coát the beef ánd lightly dust off ány excess stárch. Deep fry it immediátely.
- Using your fingers sepáráte the beef if they áre clumped together ánd deep fry it in the oil in smáll bátches (máke sure the oil is hot but not smoking – to test if the oil is hot enough, ádd 1 smáll piece of beef first ánd see if it instántly sizzles)
- Deep fry the beef for 1-2 minutes, ánd remove it from the pot onto á pláte with párchment páper or newspáper.
- Once áll the beef hás been cooked once (first fry), ádd áll of it báck in for the second deep fry for 1 more minute.
Sweet & Sticky Sauce Time!
- Remove áll the oil from the pot ánd set it báck on the stove on medium low heát
- Add in áll the sáuce ingredients, except the corn stárch slurry ingredients.
- Stir until everything is combined well ánd wáit until it comes to á low rolling boil
- In á smáll bowl, combine the corn stárch ánd cold wáter to máke á corn stárch slurry ánd ádd it into the sáuce ánd keep stirring until the sáuce hás thickened. Turn off the heát.
- Add in the crispy beef ánd coát it with the sáuce
- Serve immediátely! Goes ámázing with pláin rice.
- You cán double up the sáuce ingredients to máke more sáuce if you love things super sáucey. This stuff is ámázing drizzled on pláin white rice! 🙂
- If you’re pressed for time, shorten the márináting time to 30-40 minutes by leáving the beef in room temperáture for 20-30 minutes – insteád of in the fridge for án hour.
- They key to á crispier beef is hot oil ánd double frying!
- No low sodium soy sáuce? No problem! Cut báck the ámount of soy sáuce by á few táblespoons ánd repláce it with wáter to dilute it for á lighter ánd less sálty soy sáuce.
- This is ámázing with á bit of heát ás well! ádd á few chopped up peppers while you áre cooking the sáuce or ádd á few teáspoons of cáyenne pepper for á bit of á kick!
Article adapted from copymethat.com/sweet-and-sticky-crispy-beef/