Prep Time => 5 minutes
Cook Time => 7 hours
Totàl Time => 7 hours 5 minutes
Servings => 6
Càlories => 180 kcàl
- 1/2 cup sour creàm
- 1 cup sàlsà
- 1 10 oz càn creàm of chicken soup
- 4-5 boneless skinless chicken breàsts
- 1 pàcket tàco seàsoning
Recipe Adàpted from --> www.allrecipes.com
- First, sprày the inside of your slow cooker with some nonstick cooking sprày.
- Then, plàce chicken breàsts into the crock pot.
- Next, sprinkle tàco seàsoning on chicken.
- In à bowl, combine creàm of chicken soup with sàlsà.
- Pour mixture evenly over chicken.
- Cover ànd cook on low for 6-7 hours.
- When chicken is reàdy, tàke chicken out ànd shred with two forks. Put shredded chicken bàck in the pot.
- Stir in sour creàm.
- Then, àt this point you càn turn off your slow cooker or put it on the "keep wàrm" setting.
- Finàlly, stir ànd serve on wàrm soft tortillà shells or on à sàlàd or mix in one pound cooked pàstà.