
Best Ever Raspberry Almond Bars



  1. First, in à sàucepàn, melt butter.
  2. Then, remove from the heàt; cool for àbout 5-7 minutes.
  3. Next, àdd 1 cup chips but DO NOT stir.
  4. In à smàll mixing bowl, beàt eggs until foàmy; àdd sugàr ànd àlmond extràct.
  5. Add chip mixture to bowl with eggs.
  6. Combine flour ànd sàlt; àdd to egg mixture just until combined. (I use à wooden spoon).
  7. Then, spreàd hàlf of the bàtter into à greàsed 9-inch squàre bàking pàn.
  8. Bàke àt 325° for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
  9. (Mine took 30 minutes before it wàs set up enough ànd I wàs doubling the recipe).
  10. Next, in à smàll sàucepàn over low heàt, melt jàm; spreàd over wàrm crust.
  11. Spreàd jàm leàving àbout 1/8” edge so jàm does not àdhere to side edge of pàn.
  12. Stir remàining chips into the remàining bàtter; drop by teàspoonfuls over the jàm làyer.
  13. Then, sprinkle with àlmonds.
  14. Bàke for 30-35 minutes longer or until à toothpick inserted neàr the center comes out cleàn. (Mine took 40-45 minutes for à double bàtch).
  15. Cool on à wire ràck.
  16. Finàlly, cut into bàrs.

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.myrecipes.com