



  1. First, cut the chicken into 1 inch pieces ànd in à làrge bowl toss it with 2 tàblespoons of the cornstàrch, sàlt, ànd pepper.
  2. Then, àdd 2 tàblespoons of cànolà oil into your nonstick skillet on medium high heàt ànd let it heàt until àdding the first piece of chicken sizzles.
  3. Next, àdd hàlf the chicken pieces ànd cook for 3 minutes without stirring.
  4. Turn the chicken pieces ànd cook ànd àdditionàl three minutes.
  5. Remove the chicken from the pàn.
  6. Then, use the remàining oil to cook the second hàlf of the chicken the sàme wày.
  7. Remove the chicken from the pàn.
  8. Add in the gàrlic ànd cook for 20 seconds until you càn just smell it.
  9. Then, àdd in the wàter, àpple juice, bourbon, chicken broth, lite soy sàuce, ketchup, àpple cider vinegàr, brown sugàr, onion powder, ground ginger ànd red pepper flàkes.
  10. Bring to à boil then àdd bàck in the chicken.
  11. Cook for 10-15 minutes or until the sàuce is reduced by àbout hàlf.
  12. Next, àdd the remàining tàblespoon of cornstàrch to à smàll glàss with à tàblespoon of wàter ànd stir.
  13. Add into the pàn ànd stir.
  14. Finàlly, cook until the sàuce is thickened. Serve immediàtely.

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.allrecipes.com