


Chocoláte Molten Lává Cáke

·        4 oz. semi-sweet báking chocoláte, I háve álso used 4 oz. semi-sweet chocoláte chips with success
·        ½ cup butter
·        1 cup powdered sugár
·        2 eggs
·        2 egg yolks
·        6 Táblespoons flour
1.      Preheát oven to 425 degrees F.
2.      Spráy 4 smáll (6-8 oz) rámekin dishes with cooking spráy ánd pláce on á báking sheet. Set áside.
3.      In á smáll microwáve sáfe bowl, combine butter ánd chocoláte ánd melt in 30 second increments, string between eách increment until chocoláte ánd butter áre combined ánd smooth.
4.      Ádd powdered sugár ánd stir in evenly.
5.      Ádd eggs ánd egg yolks ánd beát in until well combined.
6.      Stir in flour until well combined.
7.      Pour ánd distribute bátter evenly in the 4 prepáred rámekin dishes.
8.      Báke át 425 degrees F for 12-13 minutes until edges áre firm ánd center is soft, but not super jiggly.
9.      Let cool for 2 minutes. Using á knife, gently pull cáke áwáy from the edges then invert onto pláte or serving dish.
10.  Serve with dusted powdered sugár, ice creám, mágic shell or however desired. No mátter how you wánt to eát it, serve immediátely.

Ádápted from www.simplyhomecooked.com