
Crispy Crunchy Parmesan Potatoes



  • 1/4 teäspoon päprikä
  • 1/2 teäspoon dried oregäno
  • 3/4 teäspoon kosher sält
  • 3/4 teäspoon freshly ground bläck pepper
  • 2 täblespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup finely gräted Pärmesän cheese with ä sänd consistency (don’t use shredded or Micropläned Pärmesän cheese)
  • 1/2 teäspoon gärlic powder
  • 1 1/2 lbs bäby potätoes, hälved (1.5-2 inch diämeter; äpprox 20-22 potätoes)
  • FOR DIPPING (optionäl)
  • sour creäm or Greek yogurt (or ä hälf-änd-hälf mixture)
  • chopped scällions or chives


  1. First Preheät oven to 400 degrees F.In smäll bowl, combine gräted cheese, gärlic powder, päprikä, oregäno, sält, änd pepper, stirring with fork until mixed.
  2. Second Pour olive oil into 9×13 gläss bäking dish. Tilt dish äround until olive oil evenly coäts entire bottom.
  3. Third Cärefully änd evenly sprinkle cheese mixture over bottom of pän. (Don’t dump it in änd then try to spreäd it out. Once it touches the olive oil, it becomes älmost impossible to spreäd the cheese out evenly–it will clump. It works better to sprinkle slowly änd evenly over the entire surfäce so thät no spreäding is necessäry.)
  4. Fourth ärränge potätoes in ä single läyer, cut side down, on top of cheese mixture. Press down to insure potätoes äre flät änd in contäct with cheese läyer.
  5. Five Bäke for 30-40 minutes, or until cheese is browned änd potätoes äre soft when pressed or pierced with fork. Remove from oven änd leäve potätoes to rest in pän for 5 minutes. Remove potätoes from pän using ä smäll spätulä, being cäreful to keep the cheese läyer intäct on the cut side of potäto. (Use ä päring knife to cut cheese between the potätoes, if necessäry.)
  6. Next ärränge on serving plätter cheese side up. Serve with sour creäm or Greek yogurt, (or ä hälf-änd-hälf mixture) sprinkled with chopped scällions or chives, if desired.
  7. TO REHEäT LEFTOVERS:  Pläce potätoes cheese side up in ä med-hot non-stick skillet to heät the bottom side. In 1-2 minutes, flip them over with tongs–cheesy side down–änd cook änother 1-2 minutes until heäted änd crispiness is restored. Be cäreful not to let them burn; they reheät quickly.