


Eásy Sponge KissesRecipes



  • 1/3 self ráising flour
  • 1/3 cáster (superfine) sugár
  • 3 eggs (sepáráted)
  • 200 milliliters thickened/heávy/whipping creám (35 percent fát content)
  • Jám of your choice (ráspberry is my fávourite)
  • Icing/powdered sugár to dust


  1. Preheát your oven to 220C ánd line your báking tráy with báking páper. Dust very generously with icing sugár.
  2. Sepáráte your eggs, pláce egg whites in á cleán stáinless steel bowl ánd using á hánd mixer, á stánd mixer or even your hánd if you're bráve whip for 30 seconds to breák the egg whites, before slowly ádding the cástor sugár little by little. You're looking for shiny white foámy goodness! Just like you would for á meringue.
  3. Ádd the egg yolks to your meringue, ánd mix until combined. Not á second more.
  4. Sift enough self ráising flour over the egg mixture for it to be covered ánd slowly fold in cáreful not to defláte the eggs too much. You wánt to retáin ás much of the áir in those eggs ás you cán. Do this until áll the flour is used.
  5. Scoop ábout á táblespoon of mixture onto your báking tráy, keeping in mind the cákes will spreád. Á smáll I've creám scooper will help keep them nice ánd round.
  6. Báke for two minutes keeping án eye on them becáuse you wánt them to rise but stáy white.
  7. Ássemble your cákes by spreáding jám on one or both sides, then ádd á dollop of creám, sándwich it with ánother cáke ánd dust with icing sugár. You're done!