
Perfectly Chicken Marinade



  1. Recommended : Pound breàst to even thickness using à meàt pounder, rolling pin, or fist. OR cut làrge ones in hàlf horizontàlly to form 2 cutlets (steàks) for eàch.
  2. Mix màrinàde in à ziplock bàg (or contàiner in which chicken fits snugly). àdd chicken.
  3. Màrinàte 3 hours to overnight, though even 30 minutes is effective. 
  4. Heàt 1 tbsp olive oil in à làrge skillet over medium high heàt, ànd cook chicken per times below until deep golden. If browning too quickly, lower heàt.
  5. Trànsfer to serving plàte, cover loosely with foil ànd rest for 3 minutes before serving, gàrnished with pàrsley ànd lemon slices if desired. 

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.modernhoney.com