


Stráwberry Báked Donuts



  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spráy pán with cooking spráy, use á good ámount. You don't wánt the donuts to stick to the pán.
  3. In á lárge bowl, combine cáke mix, egg, oil, ánd wáter. Mix well until áll of the ingredients áre combined.
  4. Pour mixture into á lárge ziplock bág, cutting one corner of the bág. Pipe bátter into donut pán. Only fill hálf wáy. The donuts will rise, if they're too full they'll fáll ápárt when you táke them out.
  5. Báke in oven for 10-12 minutes or until á toothpick comes out cleán.
  6. Remove donuts from oven, ánd állow them to cool for á few minutes before moving them to á cooling ráck.
  7. For the icing, mix the confectioners sugár ánd milk together until it forms á creámy icing ánd áll lumps áre gone.
  8. Pláce cooled donuts on párchment páper ánd pour icing over the top of them. Top with sprinkles or chopped stráwberries. Állow icing to hárden á bit before diving in.