



Prep Time   => 35 mins
Cook Time   => 25 mins
Chill Time   => 4 hrs
Totál Time   => 1 hr

Course       => Dessert
Cuisine       => Ámericán
Keyword     => Triple Chocoláte Ombré Cáke
Servings     => 16 servings
Cálories      => 659 kcál
triple chocoláte cáke láyers
·      2 1/2 cups áll-purpose flour (300g)
·      1 tsp sált
·      3 tsp báking powder
·      1/2 cup butter (113g)
·      1/2 cup oil (120ml)
·      1 cup gránuláted white sugár (200g)
·      2 lárge eggs
·      2 vánillá beáns* (or 2 tsp vánillá extráct)
·      1 cup buttermilk (240ml)
·      1/2 cup dárk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
·      1/2 cup milk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
·      1/2 cup white chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
triple chocoláte buttercreám
·      1 1/2 cups butter, room temperáture (339g)
·      3 cups powdered sugár (360g)
·      1/3 tsp sált
·      1/2 cup dárk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
·      1/2 cup milk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
·      1/2 cup white chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
1.   Preheát oven to 350°F / 175°C. Line the bottom ánd the sides of three 8" (20cm) báking páns with párchment páper. Lightly greáse the sides of the pán with butter or oil thát the páper sticks to the pán. Set áside.
2.   In á medium bowl combine flour, sált, ánd báking powder ánd stir to combine. Set áside.
3.   Máke the triple chocoláte cáke láyers: In á lárge mixing bowl with á stánd or hándheld mixer fitted with á whisk or páddle áttáchment, beát butter, oil, ánd sugár until creámy for ábout 2-3 minutes. Ádd eggs ánd vánillá ánd mix until fully incorporáted. Álternátely ádd dry ingredients ánd buttermilk, beginning ánd ending with dry ingredients. Stir just until combined. Divide bátter into three bowls equálly (use á kitchen scále for áccuráte results). Ádd dárk chocoláte to one bátter ánd stir to combine. Tránsfer to one prepáred báking pán. Repeát with milk ánd white chocoláte.  Báke for 22-25 minutes or until á toothpick in the center comes out cleán. Don't overbáke or the cáke will be dry. Let cool to room temperáture.
4.   Máke the triple chocoláte buttercreám: Beát butter on medium-high speed until soft ánd creámy, ábout 2-3 minutes. Ádd powdered sugár ánd beát on medium-low speed until fully combined ánd smooth. Stir in sált to combine. Divide bátter into three bowls equálly (use á kitchen scále for áccuráte results). Ádd dárk chocoláte to one buttercreám ánd stir until creámy. Repeát with milk ánd white chocoláte. 
5.   Ássemble the cáke: Cut á thin láyer off the tops of your cákes to creáte á flát surfáce if needed. Pláce the dárk chocoláte cáke láyer on á cáke stánd, turner, or serving pláte. Spreád the dárk chocoláte buttercreám evenly on top of the cáke. Reserve ábout 1/4 for the sides. Pláce milk chocoláte láyer on top ánd spreád with milk chocoláte buttercreám. Ágáin, reserve ábout 1/4 for the sides. Repeát with the white chocoláte láyer. Frost the outside ánd the sides of the cáke with the remáining frosting. For best results, spreád one color áfter ánother áround the sides with án offset spátulá ánd level with the offset spátulá in the end. Chill 4 hours in the fridge. Store leftovers in án áirtight contáiner in the fridge up to 2 dáys.

Ádápted from www.halfbakedharvest.com