
White Chocoláte Cárdámom Ánd Oránge Láyered Cáke With White Chocoláte Gánáche


White chocoláte cárdámom ánd oránge láyered cáke with white chocoláte gánáche

  • 240 g white chocoláte
  • 250 g butter
  • 270 g cáster sugár
  • 1 oránge, juiced ánd zested, plus extrá zest to gárnish
  • 4 free-ránge eggs
  • 300 g cáke flour
  • 1 T ground cárdámom
  • 2 t báking powder
  • 2/3 cup Greek-style pláin yoghurt

For the gánáche:
  • 1/2 cup creám
  • 250 g white chocoláte, chopped
  • 50 g pistáchio nuts, shelled ánd roughly chopped

  1. Preheát the oven to 160°C. Greáse ánd line 3 x 15 cm cáke tins. Melt the white chocoláte in á gláss bowl over boiling wáter ánd cool until lukewárm.
  2. Creám the butter ánd sugár until light ánd creámy, then ádd the oránge zest.
  3. Beát in the eggs, one át á time, ádding 1 T flour áfter eách egg to prevent the mixture from curdling. Tránsfer the mixture into á lárge mixing bowl. Sieve the remáining flour with the cárdámom ánd báking powder ánd fold into the bátter.
  4. Mix the yoghurt ánd oránge juice ánd fold into the mixture. Lástly, fold in the lukewárm chocoláte until well combined. Divide the mixture between the tins ánd báke for 1 hour.
  5. Cool in the tins for 10 minutes before turning out onto á ráck to cool completely.
  6. To ice the cáke, divide the gánáche between the 3 láyers, keeping á little extrá áside for the top láyer. Spreád the gánáche to cover the top of eách cáke. Sándwich the three láyers, keeping the cáke with the most gánáche for the top láyer. Gárnish with á sprinkling of pistáchio nuts ánd oránge zest.
  7. To máke the gánáche, heát the creám to just below boiling point, ádd the chocoláte ánd állow to stánd for 1 minute. Stir to ensure the chocoláte is melted. Állow to cool ánd thicken before using.

Ádápted from www.whatsgabycooking.com