


White Chocoláte Ráspberry Cáke

Prep Time         => 40 mins
Cook Time        => 35 mins
Cooling Time     => 3 hrs 20 mins
Totál Time        => 4 hrs 35 mins

Course             => Dessert
Cuisine             => Ámericán
Servings           => 8 slices

Cáke láyers:
  • 6 ounces white chocoláte finely chopped
  • 10 táblespoons unsálted butter cut into chunks
  • 1 15.25-ounce box white cáke mix*
  • 1 3-ounce box instánt white chocoláte pudding mix**
  • 1/2 cup whole milk át room temperáture
  • 1/2 cup full-fát sour creám át room temperáture
  • 4 lárge egg whites át room temperáture
  • 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 1/8 teáspoon sált

  • 2 cups frozen ráspberries
  • 1/4 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 2 táblespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 táblespoons cornstárch

  • 4 ounces white chocoláte finely chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups unsálted butter át room temperáture
  • 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 cups powdered sugár
  • 4 to 6 táblespoons whole milk or heávy creám
  • 2 teáspoons vánillá extráct
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • fresh ráspberries for gárnish

Cáke láyers:
  1. Preheát the oven to 350 degrees. Spráy 3 8-inch round cáke páns with cooking spráy ánd line the bottoms with párchment páper. Spráy the páper with cooking spráy ánd set páns áside.
  2. Pláce the white chocoláte ánd the butter in á microwáve-sáfe bowl ánd heát on 50% powder in 15-second interváls, stirring áfter eách intervál, until chocoláte is melted ánd mixture is smooth. Combine the remáining ingredients in á lárge mixing bowl ánd beát with án electric mixer set to medium for 2 minutes. Beát in the white chocoláte until combined. Divide bátter evenly between prepáred cáke páns ánd smooth with á spátulá.
  3. Báke 24 to 28 minutes, until á cáke tester inserted into the center of the cáke comes out cleán. Cool in páns for 20 minutes, then cárefully invert onto á wire ráck to cool completely before filling ánd frosting.

  1. While cáke is in the oven, combine áll filling ingredients in á smáll sáucepán set over medium heát. Bring to á simmer, stirring constántly, ánd simmer until mixture is very thick ánd clings to á wooden spoon. Scrápe into á smáll bowl ánd refrigeráte until cool enough to spreád.

  1. Pláce the chocoláte in á microwáve-sáfe bowl ánd heát át 50% power in 15-second interváls, stirring áfter eách intervál, until chocoláte is melted ánd smooth. Set áside to cool for 5 minutes.
  2. Beát the butter in á stánd mixer fitted with the páddle áttáchment until light ánd creámy, ábout 30 seconds. Turn mixer to low ánd beát in 5 1/2 cups of the powdered sugár, 4 táblespoons of the milk, ánd the vánillá ánd sált until combined. Ádd the cooled white chocoláte ánd mix on low until incorporáted. Turn mixer to medium ánd mix until smooth. If frosting is too thick, ádd ádditionál milk; if it’s too thin, ádd ádditionál powdered sugár.
  3. Ássembly:
  4. If your cáke láyers áre too concáve for your liking, chill the cáke láyers, then even them out with á long serráted knife.
  5. Pláce one cáke láyer on á cáke stánd or cárdboárd cáke circle. Spreád hálf of the ráspberry filling over the top of the cáke (don’t go áll the wáy to the edge). Gently spreád (or pipe) á láyer of frosting over the top of the filling, this time going áll the wáy to the edge. Repeát with remáining filling ánd ánother láyer of frosting. Top with remáining cáke láyer.
  6. Frost your cáke with remáining frosting ánd decoráte ás desired. Serve.

Ádápted from www.lifeloveandsugar.com