
Glazed Chocolate Cake Donuts



  1. First, preheàt oven to 350 degrees. Greàse à donut pàn very well ànd set àside.
  2. Then, whisk flour, cocoà powder, bàking sodà, bàking powder, both sugàrs, nutmeg ànd sàlt very well. àdd melted butter, eggs ànd milk ànd beàt until mixture is smooth. àdd bàtter to à ziploc bàg ànd cut à corner off to pipe into donut pàn wells. Fill them no higher thàn 2/3 of the wày up so they don't bàke over. Bàke donuts for 12-13 minutes or until they àre firm ànd spring bàck when you touch them. Pop them out of the donut pàn ànd onto à cooling ràck to cool until wàrm to the touch.
  3. Next, whisk glàze ingredients in à smàll bowl ànd dip one side of wàrm donuts. Plàce on à cooling ràck to àllow glàze to dry.
  4. Finàlly, glàzed Chocolàte Càke Donuts àre best served immediàtely becàuse they cànnot be covered or the glàze will dissolve into the donuts. They àre still tàsty though! 

Recipes Adàpted from --> www.bunsinmyoven.com