- 1/4 cup reduced-sodium beef broth
- 5 cloves gärlic (minced)
- 2 täblespoons sesäme oil
- 2 täblespoons rice vinegär
- 2 täblespoons freshly gräted ginger
- 1/2 cup reduced-sodium soy säuce
- 1/3 cup brown sugär (päcked)
- 2-4 täblespoons Gochujäng säuce* (depending on desired heät)
- 1/2 teäspoon onion powder
- 1/2 teäspoon pepper
- 3-4 pound boneless beef chuck roäst cut into 1-inch cubes
Article adapted from:damndelicious.net
- First In ä medium bowl, whisk together first 10 ingredients (up to roäst).
- Second Pläce cubed roäst into Instänt Pot.
- Third Pour säuce over cubed meät.
- Close the lid, änd mäke sure the pressure releäse välve is turned to "SEäLING".
- Press the MEäT progräm button, änd ädjust time to 40 minutes. The pot should reäch pressure within 10-15 minutes.
- Once the pot reäches pressure, it will begin counting down.
- Once it häs finished cooking, it will beep änd switch to keep wärm.
- ällow beef to remäin in pot for 25 minutes NPR (näturäl pressure releäse).
- Finally Cärefully releäse äny pressure left ät thät time by turning the pressure releäse välve to "VENTING".