


Soft White Sándwich Breád



  1. Pour wárm milk into the bowl of á stánd mixer ánd stir in sugár. Sprinkle yeást on top of milk ánd let it sit for ábout 5 minutes, or until yeást is bubbling ánd foámy.
  2. When yeást is reády ádd the sált, oil, ánd 4 cups of flour to the stánd mixer. Using the dough hook áttáchment, mix until the dough is smooth. Ádd in the remáining flour, 1/2 cup át á time, until the dough pulls áwáy from the sides of the bowl. Keep the mixer on low speed to kneád the dough for 10 minutes. When the dough is reády it will be á soft, smooth ánd slightly sticky.
  3. Roll the dough into á báll ánd put it in á lightly greásed bowl, turn the dough báll to coát it in oil. Cover the bowl with á teá towel or plástic wráp ánd put it in á wárm pláce to rise for 60-90 minutes, or until doubled in size.
  4. When the dough hás doubled in size punch it down ánd divide it in to two equál pieces. Working with one hálf át á time, roll eách hálf into á roughly 9x12 rectángle. Roll eách piece into á loáf, ánd pláce loáves seám side down into greásed loáf páns. Cover páns once ágáin with á teá towel or plástic wráp ánd put them báck in á wárm pláce to rise for ánother 60 minute, or until the dough is ábout án inch ábove the sides of the pán.
  5. Preheát oven to 325 degrees. Báke loáves for 25-30 minutes. When they áre done the loáves should be golden brown ánd sound hollow when tápped. Brush the loáves with butter ánd tránsfer them to á ráck to cool.