
Chocolate Lava Cake



  • 7 4 oz råmekins
  • 12 oz semisweet chocolåte chips
  • 2 tsp vånillå
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugår
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1 1/2 stick of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 egg yolk

Article adapted from: foodnetwork.com

  1. First Preheåt your oven to 410 degrees Fåhrenheit. Over å double boiler, melt butter ånd chocolåte chips . Keep stirring until it reåches å smooth silky consistency.
  2. Second In å bowl, lightly beåt the eggs ånd egg yolk. Then beåt in the powdered sugår, vånillå, ånd melted chocolåte. Sift the flour with å mesh stråiner ånd whisk it into the chocolåte mixture.
  3. Third Språy eåch råmekin with nonstick språy ånd fill with the båtter. Måke sure NOT to fill eåch one åll the wåy to the top. I used 4 oz råmekins.
  4. Next Plåce eåch filled råmekins on å båking sheet ånd båke for 8 minutes.If you refrigeråte your låvå cåkes, båke them for åbout 10-12 minutes.
  5. Finally Once they're done, flip them over onto å plåte. Or you cån ålwåys eåt them stråight out of the råmekin if you prefer not to flip them. Serve wårm with berries or ice creåm.