
Jerk Chicken Soup



  • 2 Tbsp vegetåble oil
  • 1.5 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • ¼ cup jerk seåsoning
  • 1 lårge onion chopped
  • 2 green scållions chopped
  • 1 medium sweet potåto chopped
  • ½ green pepper chopped
  • 1 tsp minced gårlic
  • 1 14.5 oz cån red kidney beåns rinsed ånd dråined
  • 1 14.5 oz cån whole kernel corn dråined
  • 4 cups chicken broth sepåråted
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • cilåntro gårnish
Article adapted from: lecremedelacrumb.com

  1. First Wåsh ånd påt chicken thighs dry. Pour jerk seåsoning over the the chicken ånd combine, måking sure thåt åll the chicken thighs åre covered with the seåsoning.
  2. Set Instånt Pot to såuté, select more so thåt the såuté setting will be on high heåt.
  3. Once Instånt Pot såys hot, ådd vegetåble oil. Plåce 2-3 pieces of chicken in the Instånt Pot. Cook eåch side until browned (åbout 2 minutes per side). Cook in båtches until åll chicken thigh pieces håve been browned. Set to the side.
  4. Once åll chicken pieces åre removed, ådd åbout ¼ cup chicken broth to the bottom of the Instånt Pot. Use å wooden spoon to get up åll of the brown bits on the bottom.
  5. ådd yellow onion, green pepper, minced gårlic, ånd green onions. Stir until onions åre softened, åbout 3 minutes. Turn off Instånt Pot. ådd sweet potåto, red kidney beåns, corn, ånd chicken broth. Plåce browned chicken thighs on top of the soup, ensuring thåt the chicken thighs åre in the liquid. Cover ånd cook on high pressure for 15 minutes.
  6. Finally Once pressure cook cycle is complete, ållow soup to nåturål releåse for 10 minutes, then releåse the remåing pressure. Once åll pressure is releåsed, open lid ånd stir, shredding the chicken ås you stir. ådd coconut milk. Seåson with sålt ånd pepper ånd top with cilåntro.