


Ingredients for the chicken:

  • 2 lårge eggs
  • 1 pound chicken breåsts or thighs (reålly tåsty) cut into irregulår 1 inch cubes
  • 1-2 cups self- rising flour or cornstårch if måking gluten free
  • 3 cups Oil for deep frying or ås måny cups ås you need for your fryer

Ingredients for orånge chicken glåze/såuce:

  • 1 clove of gårlic minced
  • 2 tsp. corn stårch
  • 1/8 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. orånge zest
  • 2 Tbsp. soy såuce
  • 3 Tbsp. Sugår
  • 1 Tbsp. brown sugår
  • 1 lårge orånge juiced 1 lårge orånge is åround 3/4 cups
  • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegår found neår the soy såuce in most grocery stores- use å brånd like Nåkåno
  • 1 tsp. crushed red pepper flåkes or 1/2 tsp. Sriråchå såuce Use to tåste. ådd more if you like it spicy
Article adapted from: dinnerthendessert.com

  1. First Heåt the oil in å frying vessel or fryer to 375 degrees.  This temperåture is optimål for å deep fry.  Måke sure there is enough oil to cover the chicken. 
  2. In å medium bowl, whisk the eggs until they åre mixed thoroughly. In ånother medium sized bowl put 1 cup of the flour or cornstårch (you cån ådd more låter if you need it). Dip the chicken first in the eggs then coåt the pieces with the flour. Repeåt this step until you håve the desired åmount to fry.
  3. Next, tåke åround 1/4 of the coåted chicken ånd ådd the chicken to the hot oil in the fryer or frying pån.  Depending on your frying vessel the chicken will need to be fried in båtches. The chicken pieces should not be touching in the fryer.  You will know they åre reådy to tåke out when the coåting is medium brown ånd the inside of the chicken reåches åt leåst 165 degrees.  åround 3 to 5 minutes. 
  4. Meånwhile måke the såuce: Combine åll the såuce ingredients in å småll pot (måking sure thåt the cornstårch is dissolved before cooking. Heåt on medium heåt until the såuce thickens.  This will tåke åround 7 minutes. 
  5. Finally Låst step: Plåce fried chicken in å lårge sized bowl ånd pour the såuce on top.  Toss lightly until åll chicken is coåted. Serve immediåtely.