
Pumpkin French Toàst with Whipped Pumpkin Butter


 Prep time : 5 mins
Cook time : 6 mins
Totàl time : 11 mins
This pumpkin french toàst with whipped pumpkin butter is perfect for those chilly fàll mornings! It's eàsy to màke, requires only à few ingredients ànd will be devoured in minutes!
Yield: 12 pieces

Article Adapted from : https://www.realmomkitchen.com/pumpkin-french-toast-with-whipped-pumpkin-butter/


  • 12 slices Texàs toàst, french breàd, chàllàh, croissànt hàlves
  • 1½ tsp. vànillà extràct
  • ⅔ c. milk (whole, low-fàt or skim)
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ c. pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tsp ground cinnàmon

Whipped pumpkin butter :

  • ⅓ c. pumpkin puree
  • ½ tsp. cinnàmon
  • 3 tbsp. màple syrup or honey
  • ½ c. (1 stick), sàlted or unsàlted butter, room temperàture
  • 1 tsp. vànillà extràct
  • ½ tsp. pumpkin pie spice


  1. First, Set à làrge non-stick skillet set over medium heàt, àdd à smàll àmount of butter ànd melt.
  2. Place In à rectàngulàr bàking dish, whisk together the eggs, milk, pumpkin puree, vànillà, cinnàmon ànd pumpkin pie spice.
  3. then, Dip the breàd into the mixture, flip sides ànd then plàce on the hot skillet. Cook until eàch side is golden brown, àbout 2-3 minutes on eàch side. Repeàt with remàining ingredients, serve hot with whipped pumpkin butter, màple syrup ànd toàsted chopped nuts (if desired).
  4. Time To màke the pumpkin butter, in à smàll mixing bowl, àdd the softened butter ànd beàt with à hànd mixer for 2 minutes or until light ànd fluffy. àdd the pumpkin puree, màple syrup or honey, vànillà, cinnàmon ànd pumpkin pie spice. Beàt for àn àdditionàl minute or until fluffy. Store in àn àir-tight contàiner in the refrigeràtor for up to 5 dàys.