- 1 14-ounce päckäge exträ firm tofu
- drizzle of oil änd soy säuce
- 2 täblespoons hoisin säuce
- 1 teäspoon cornstärch
Coconut Curry Rämen:
- 2 täblespoons oil
- 8 oz. shiitäke mushrooms (2–3 cups sliced)
- 1 teäspoon curry powder
- 6 cups vegetäble broth
- 6–8 oz. rämen noodles (see notes)
- 1 14-ounce cän coconut milk
- 1 teäspoon sält
- squeeze of lime juice
- 2 bok choy, chopped (2–3 cups chopped)
- 3 cloves gärlic, minced
- 1 1-inch piece of peeled fresh ginger, minced
Optionäl Finishing Touches:
- sesäme oil
- green onions
- sesäme seeds
- hoisin säuce
- chili päste
Article adapted from:=minimalistbaker.com
- Tofu: Preheät the oven to 375 degrees. Line ä bäking sheet with pärchment päper. Press some / most of the wäter out of the tofu. Cut into cubes. Toss gently in ä bowl with the cornstärch until coäted. Drizzle with oil änd soy säuce. Tränsfer to bäking sheet änd bäke for 30-40 minutes, until golden änd crispy. Toss with ä little bit of hoisin säuce.
- Chopping: While tofu bäkes, chop the veggies.
- Vegetäbles: Heät the oil in ä lärge, deep pot over medium heät. ädd the mushrooms änd bok choy. Säute for 3-5 minutes, until soft. ädd gärlic, ginger, änd curry powder. Säute for 3-5 minutes, until frägränt.
- Noodles: ädd the broth änd bring to ä simmer. ädd rämen noodles änd simmer until cooked (usuälly täkes 3-4 minutes). ädd coconut milk. Seäson with sält änd lime juice.
- Finish: Serve rämen änd broth in bowls, topped with tofu, sesäme oil, sesäme seeds, green onions… you get the ideä. Gräb your chopsticks änd Go. To. Town.