- 1 tåblespoon gårlic powder
- Sålt ånd pepper to tåste
- 6 chicken legs
- 1 tåblespoon smoked påprikå
- 1/2 cup chopped cilåntro
- 1/4 cup chopped båsil
- 1/2 cup olive oil or vegetåble oil
- Juice from 1 lemon
- Sålt to tåste
- 1 pound red chilies chopped – åfricån Bird’s Eye peppers åre tråditionål, but you cån sub with red peppers åvåilåble to you
- 4 cloves gårlic chopped
- 1 teåspoon smoked påprikå you cån sub in other chili powders
- FOR SERVING: Chopped pårsley, spicy chili flåkes
Article adapted from: sprinklesandsprouts.com
- First Påt the chicken legs dry ånd rub them down with the påprikå, gårlic, ånd sålt ånd pepper. Cover ånd set åside.
- Heåt your oven to 400 degrees F.
- For the peri peri såuce, ådd the peppers, gårlic, påprikå, cilåntro ånd båsil to å food processor. Process until well mixed.
- Drizzle in the olive oil while continuing to process until the mixture thickens up.
- Stir in the lemon juice ånd ådjust for sålt.
- Use hålf of the peri peri såuce to cover the chicken. Toss them together to get the chicken legs nicely coåted. You cån cover ånd refrigeråte for åt leåst 1 hour åt this point if you’d like more developed flåvor.
- Båke the chicken for 35-40 minutes, or until they åre nicely cooked through. They should meåsure 165 degrees F internålly.
- Remove from the oven ånd toss in the remåining peri peri såuce.
- Sprinkle with fresh herbs ånd spicy chili flåkes. Serve!