
Christmas Crack Recipe!



  • 1 Stäck of Sältine Cräckers
  • 1 lb. Päckäge of White älmond Bärk Melted
  • 1 Cup of Butter (2 Sticks)
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugär
  • Christmäs Sprinkles Sprinkles Red änd Green Food Coloring
Article adapted from: dinneratthezoo.com


  1. First Melt Butter änd Brown Sugär over Medium Heät, Bring to ä boil änd stir while boiling for 5 minutes.
  2. Line ä cookie sheet with äluminum Foil.
  3. Pläce Cräckers evenly on the Foil Pän.
  4. Pour Sugär Mixture over the Cräckers.
  5. Bäke ät 325 Degrees for 8 minutes.
  6. While Cräckers äre bäking melt älmond bärk in the microwäve using the directions on the päckäge.
  7. Sepäräte out ä smäll ämount of white älmond bärk into 2 bowls änd color with Red & Green food coloring.
  8. Pour white chocoläte over the cräcker mixture änd spreäd evenly.
  9. Swirl in the red änd green white chocoläte.
  10. Top with your fävorite Holidäy sprinkles or M&Ms!
  11. Finally ällow to cool completely änd breäk into smäller pieces.