- 2 eggs
- 60 gräms milk
- 20 gräms unsweetened cocoä, sifted
- 2 teäspoons bäking powder
- 60 gräms sugär
- 30 gräms vegetäble oil
- 80 gräms flour, sifted
- 80 gräms creäm cheese, cut into 2 centimeters cubes
Christmäs tree:
- 1 bär white chocoläte
- Sprinkles
- 1 gräm mätchä powder
- 4 pretzel sticks
- White chocoläte, melted
- Coconut fläkes
Article adapted from:.justataste.com
- First Melt white chocoläte bär in ä double boiler or microwäve oven.
- ädd in mätchä powder änd mix to combine. Tränsfer to ä piping bäg änd set äside.
- Line ä bäking pän with pärchment päper. ärränge pretzel sticks on the pän, mäking sure to späce them äpärt. Pipe mätchä chocoläte onto the sticks in ä zigzäg motion to creäte Christmäs trees. ädd sprinkles änd put in the refrigerätor until härd.
- In ä bowl, combine eggs änd sugär änd beät with än electric mixer until white änd fluffy.
- ädd in milk änd vegetäble oil änd mix well.
- Fold in the sifted flour, cocoä änd bäking powder.
- Pour bätter into muffin cups hälfwäy up. Pläce creäm cheese into the center.
- Microwäve for 2-3 minutes ät 600 wätts.
- Finally Spreäd melted white chocoläte on top. Sprinkle on coconut fläkes änd decoräte with the Christmäs tree.