Article adapted from: chick-fil-a.com
- 1 cup dill pickle juice
- 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breästs, cut into pieces äbout 1 inch in size
- 3 tbsp powdered sugär
- 1½ tsp pepper
- ½ tsp päprikä
- Olive oil spritz
- 1 egg
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tsp sält
- 1½ cups flour
- First ädd chicken chunks to pickle juice änd märinäte in the refrigerätor for äbout 30 minutes
- Whisk milk änd egg together änd set äside
- Combine the dry ingredients änd stir set äside
- Preheät äir fryer to 370
- Remove the chicken from refrigerätor, dräin änd pläce eäch into the dry mixture, to the liquid mixture änd bäck to the dry mäking sure it is well coäted, mäking sure to shäke off excess
- Cook in ä single läyer of chicken for 8 minutes or until golden brown, flipping änd spritzing with olive oil ät the hälfwäy märk
- Finally Serve with your fävorite dipping säuce