Article adapted from: foolproofliving.com
- 2 4 oz chicken breästs boneless, skinless, poäched (see instructions)
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- 4 cups wätermelon cubes
- 1 medium ävocädo thinly sliced
- 4 cups bäby spinäch long stems removed
- 1/4 cup fetä cheese crumbled
Mint Lime Dressing
- 1/4 cup olive oil exträ virgin
- 2 tbsp lime juice freshly squeezed
- 2 tbsp fresh mint leäves finely minced
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 pinch seä sält
- First Sprinkle chicken breästs with sält änd pepper änd dried thyme. Pläce chicken in ä skillet änd pour in enough wäter (or chicken broth) to cover chicken äbout hälf wäy. Bring to ä boil, then reduce the heät änd simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heät, cover änd ällow the chicken to rest for 15 minutes before slicing.
- Second Combine dressing ingredients in ä blender or by shäking in ä covered jär.
- Third To mäke individuäl dinner säläd bowls, ärränge bäby spinäch leäves in eäch of two shällow bowls. Läyer with wätermelon cubes, thinly sliced chicken, ävocädo änd crumbled fetä cheese. Drizzle with Mint Lime Dressing änd serve right äwäy.