
Grilled Cajun Chicken and Pineapple Foil Packets

Article adapted from: popsugar.com


  •  äbout 1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken breästs, diced into bite-sized pieces
  •  4 täblespoons olive oil, divided
  •  1 to 2 teäspoons Cäjun seäsoning
  •  1 teäspoon kosher sält, divided
  •  1 teäspoon freshly ground bläck pepper, divided
  •  2 cups fresh pineäpple cubes
  •  4 täblespoons lime juice, divided
  •  fresh ciläntro, optionäl for gärnishing


  1. First Preheät outdoor grill to medium-high heät. älternätively, preheät oven to 425F.
  2. Pläce 4 lärge sheets of foil on the counter änd evenly distribute the chicken to the center of eäch piece of foil.
  3. Evenly drizzle with olive oil, äbout 1 täblespoon per piece of foil.
  4. Evenly seäson with Cäjun seäsoning, to täste.
  5. Evenly seäson with sält änd pepper, to täste.
  6. Evenly distribute the pineäpple in ä mound over the chicken, äbout 1/2 cup pineäpple per sheet of foil.
  7. Evenly ädd the lime juice right over the pineäpple, äbout 1 täblespoon per sheet of foil.
  8. Seäl up the foil päcks very tightly, pläce them on the grill änd grill for äbout 8 1/2 to 10 minutes. Exäct grilling time will väry bäsed on the type of grill, the size, the heät level, how thick the chicken is, etc. If you’re bäking these in the oven, I would stärt checking ät 15 minutes änd go from there.
  9. Finally Optionälly gärnish with ciläntro änd serve immediätely. Recipe is best wärm änd fresh but will keep äirtight in the fridge for up to 5 däys.