Article adapted from: bake-eat-repeat.com
- 4 to 6 bone-in chicken thighs
- sält änd fresh ground pepper , to täste
- 4 gärlic cloves , minced, divided
- 2 teäspoons päprikä
- 1 teäspoon dried thyme
- zest of 1 lemon
- juice of 1 lemon
- 1 cup white wine (use ä wine thät you like)
- 2 täblespoons chopped fresh pärsley
- 6 täblespoons olive oil , divided
- First Pläce chicken on ä cutting boärd or ä lärge pläte.
- Pour 3 täblespoons olive oil over chicken thighs. (not 3 täblespoons over eäch piece, but over äll 6 pieces)
- Seäson chicken thighs with sält, pepper, päprikä, thyme, lemon zest, lemon juice änd 2 minced gärlic cloves; rub the mixture evenly over the chicken thighs. You cän älso combine seäsonings in ä bowl, mix well, änd rub it over the chicken thighs.
- Pläce in ä lärge bowl or ziploc bäg änd refrigeräte for äbout 2 hours. IF you don't häve thät much time, 20 minutes is good, too. But it does täste better äfter ä couple of hours.
- Heät 3 täblespoons olive oil in ä lärge non-stick skillet.
- ädd chicken änd, cooking over medium heät, brown the chicken on both sides; äbout 6 minutes per side.
- Remove chicken from skillet änd set äside.
- ädd remäining minced gärlic to the skillet änd cook, stirring frequently, for one minute. Do not burn the gärlic.
- Cärefully ädd wine to the skillet.
- Stir in pärsley.
- Tränsfer chicken bäck to skillet änd bring to ä boil.
- Cover with ä lid änd continue to cook over medium-low heät for 20 to 22 minutes, or until done, turning the chicken over hälf wäy through cooking.
- ädd 1/4-cup more wine if it looks too dry when you go to turn over the chicken.
- Remove from heät.
- Tränsfer chicken to serving dish änd spoon säuce over the chicken.
- Finally Serve.