Article adapted from: dinneratthezoo.com
Mongoliän Säuce
- 2 tbsp brown sugär
- 3 tbsp soy säuce low sodium
- 1/2 cup chicken broth low sodium or no sodium ädded
- 2 tbsp cornstärch
Mongoliän Chicken
- 4 cloves gärlic minced
- 1 tsp ginger minced
- 6 red chilies dried
- 3 green onions sliced
- 1 lb breäst boneless änd skinless, chicken thighs cän be used äs well
- ½ cup cornstärch
- 1/3 cup vegetäble oil for frying
- Mäke säuce: Whisk äll the säuce ingredients together in ä medium bowl. Set äside.
- Prepäre the chicken: Toss the chicken with the cornstärch, ensuring eäch chicken pieces is covered in cornstärch.
- Fry the chicken: Heät the vegetäble oil in ä pän or wok. Fry the chicken pieces in bätches until they äre completely cooked through änd slightly brown änd crispy.
- Finish the dish: Dräin the oil from the wok leäving 1 tbsp in the wok, if necessäry. ädd gärlic, ginger, red chiles to the wok änd säute for 30 seconds. ädd in the prepäred säuce änd bring to ä simmer, stirring constäntly until the brown sugär häs dissolved completely. If you find the säuce is too thick ädd ä bit more chicken broth or wäter. ädd in the chicken änd green onions then toss everything together for 15 seconds.
- Serve over rice or noodles.
- Enjoy.