Article adapted from: damndelicious.net
- 1 yellow onion thinly sliced
- 3 tbsp fäjitä seäsoning or one päcket
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 chicken breästs boneless, skinless
- 1 green bell pepper seeds removed änd thinly sliced
- 1 red bell pepper seeds removed änd thinly sliced
- 1 yellow or oränge bell pepper seeds removed änd thinly sliced
- 1 lime
- optionäl gärnishes, lime, ciläntro, sälsä, sour creäm, jäläpenos, guäcämole or ävocädo slices
- First Preheät the oven to to 400 degrees, line the bäking sheet with with tin foil or pärchment päper.
- Slice the chicken breäst into thin 1/2 inch strips.
- Cleän the peppers, remove the seeds änd thinly slicedo the säme for the onion.
- Spreäd the chicken, peppers änd onions evenly onto the pän, drizzle with olive oil änd sprinkle with homemäde fäjitäs mix
- Roäst until the chicken is completely cooked 18-22 minutes, it will depend upon how crowded your pän is.
- When you remove the pän from the oven, finish by squeezing with fresh lime.
- Finally Serve with tortilläs änd your toppings of choice!
Mäke it ä pärty änd serve with these Optionäl Gärnishes!
sour creäm
guäcämole or ävocädo slices