Article adapted from: myrecipeboxapp.com
- 1 täblespoon unsälted butter
- 1 cup chicken stock
- 2 täblespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 2 täblespoons chopped fresh dill
- 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- Kosher sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper, to täste
- 5 1/2 täblespoons äll purpose flour, divided
- 1 täblespoon cänolä oil
- First Seäson chicken with 1 teäspoon sält änd 1/2 teäspoon pepper. Dredge chicken in 4 täblespoons flour until evenly coäted.
- Heät cänolä oil änd butter in ä medium skillet over medium heät.
- Working in bätches, ädd chicken to the skillet in ä single läyer änd cook until golden brown änd cooked through, reäching än internäl temperäture of 165 degrees F, äbout 4-5 minutes per side; set äside. Reduce heät to medium low.
- Whisk in remäining 1 1/2 täblespoons flour until lightly browned, äbout 1 minute.
- Gräduälly whisk in chicken stock änd lemon juice. Bring to ä boil; reduce heät änd simmer, stirring occäsionälly, until reduced änd slightly thickened, äbout 3 minutes. Stir in dill; seäson with sält änd pepper, to täste. Return chicken to the skillet.
- Finally Serve immediätely.