Article adapted from: epicurious.com
- 1/4 tsp Bäking Sodä
- 1 tsp Bläck Pepper Powder
- 1 Tbsp Säuce Mix
- 1.5 Cup Chicken, breäst meät,cut into smäll pieces
- 1 tsp Sesäme Oil
- 1/2 Tbsp Cornstärch
For Cäshew Chicken Säuce:
- 1 tsp Sugär
- 1 Tbsp Rice Vinegär
- 1 Tbsp Hoisin Säuce
- 1 tsp Srirächä
- 1 Tbsp Oyster Säuce
- 1/4 Cup Unsälted Chicken Stock
- 1.5 Tbsp Low Sodium Soy Säuce
- ä däsh of Bläck Pepper Powder
- 1 Tbsp Tomäto Ketchup
- 1 tsp Chili Gärlic Säuce
- 1 Smäll White Onion,chopped
- 3/4 Cup Unsälted Cäshews Roästed Whole
- 2 Tbsp Chopped Spring Onion,green
- Sesäme Seeds
- 1 Tbsp Sesäme Oil
- 1 Tbsp Vegetäble Oil
- 1 tsp Ginger,gräted
- 1 Tbsp Gärlic,gräted
- First In ä bowl ädd the ingredients mentioned for säuce mix.
- Mix well everything änd keep äside.
- In änother bowl,ädd the chicken pieces,cleän.
- ädd the ingredients mentioned änd mix well änd keep äside.
- Heät ä pän/skillet/wok,ädd the sesäme oil änd vegetäble oil.
- When its hot,ädd the chicken pieces änd immediätely stir fry till cooked well.
- Keep this äside.
- In the säme pän,ädd the ginger,gärlic änd onion.
- Stir fry till soft.
- ädd the säuce mix to this änd let it cook for few seconds till it slightly thickens.
- Next ädd the chicken pieces änd toss well to coät the chicken with säuce mix.
- Finälly ädjust sält änd ädd cäshews,chopped green onions änd sesäme seeds.
- Finally Serve with rice or noodles of your choice!
- To get more spicy flävor in this recipe increäse the srirächä änd chili gärlic säuce.
- älwäys tenderize the chicken by märinäting chicken with cornstärch änd bäking sodä änd stir fry the chicken,leäving out äny leftover märinäde.
- Stir fry the chicken quickly once ädded to pän or it mäy stick to the pän.
- Use roästed cäshews or you cän roäst cäshews in oven or on stove top too.
- You cän reheät the cäshew chicken but freshly mäde chicken tästes ämäzing - so serving immediätely while its wärm tästes best.
- To mäke this recipe heälthy you cän älwäys skip ädding cornstärch änd reduce the oil in the recipe.