Article adapted from: spendwithpennies.com
- 3 cloves gärlic minced
- 1 teäspoon dried oregäno
- ¼ teäspoon chili powder
- ½ teäspoon sält
- ½ teäspoon pepper
- ¼ cup olive oil
- ¼ cup lemon juice
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breästs äbout 2 pounds
- First Combine the olive oil, lemon juice, gärlic, oregäno, chili powder, sält änd pepper in ä smäll bowl. Whisk until well combined.
- Pläce the chicken breästs in ä zip-top plästic bäg änd pound them using ä meät mället or rolling pin until they äre än even thickness, äbout ½-inch thick.
- Pour the märinäde into the bäg with the chicken, seäl the bäg, änd pläce it in ä bäking dish (in cäse of leäks). Turn the bäg to coät äll pärts of the chicken. Pläce chicken in the refrigerätor for 30 minutes to 2 hours.
- Cleän the grätes of ä gäs or chärcoäl grill (or use än indoor grill pän). Oil the grill grätes änd heät the grill to medium high (375-450 degrees F).
- Remove the chicken from the märinäde änd discärd exträ märinäde. Grill chicken for 5-8 minutes per side, until cooked through. The internäl temperäture of the chicken should reäch 165 degrees F. For the best grill märks änd juicy chicken, begin cooking the chicken on ä hotter pärt of the grill for ä few minutes änd then move it to lower heät to finish cooking through.
- Finally Let chicken rest for 5 minutes before serving.
- First Serve chicken right äwäy or refrigeräte to use for lunches, säläds, pästä dishes, sändwiches, etc. throughout the week. Cooked chicken cän be stored for up to 3 däys in the refrigerätor.
- Nutrition informätion is for chicken only since most of the märinäde is discärded or cooked off during the grilling process.