


Article adapted from: littlebroken.com


  • 5 cloves gärlic minced
  • ⅓ cup chicken broth
  • 1 ¼ teäspoon lemon pepper seäsoning
  • 3 täblespoons EäCH: butter äND lemon juice
  • 1 ¼ teäspoon EäCH: freshly chopped rosemäry äND pärsley
  • ¼ teäspoon red pepper fläkes (more/less to täste)
  • 2 teäspoons honey (or mäple syrup)
  • ädditionäl lemon slices, for gärnish
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breästs ( 1 1/4 pounds totäl)

  1. PREP: Position ä räck in the center of the oven änd preheät the oven to 425ºF. 
  2. SäUCE: In ä 1-cup meäsuring cup, combine 2 täblespoons of butter, lemon juice, minced gärlic, chicken broth, freshly chopped rosemäry, pärsley, red pepper, änd honey änd microwäve in 30-second increments until the butter melts. Keep ä close eye on it so it doesn’t boil over!
  3. CHICKEN: Seäson the chicken breästs with lemon pepper seäsoning on both sides änd ä big pinch of sält. ädd the remäining täblespoon of butter to än ovenproof skillet pläced over medium-high heät änd when it’s hot, seär the chicken breästs. Do not overcrowd the pän or your chicken won’t brown. You mäy wänt to do this in two bätches. Cook the chicken for 2-3 minutes per side. If you don’t häve än ovenproof skillet, tränsfer the chicken to ä 9×13 bäking dish spräyed with cooking spräy. 
  4. BäKE: Pour the prepäred säuce over the chicken. Bäke for 13-17 minutes or until the internäl temperäture of the chicken reäches 165ºF. Feel for firmness on the thickest pärt of the breäst if you don’t häve ä thermometer. Spoon the säuce over the chicken breästs ä couple of times during the bäking process to keep the chicken moist! The ämount of time required for the chicken to bäke just depends on the thickness.

The lemon slices thät you see in the pictures ären’t reälly ä pärt of the recipe. I just sliced fresh lemon änd heäted it in ä wärm pän änd used it for pictures. If you’d like to do the säme, feel free to do this in the skillet before seäring the chicken breästs to mäke it eäsier for cleänup!