Article adapted from:plainchicken.com
- 1 teäspoon fresh ciläntro - finely chopped
- 2 täblespoons Red Bell Pepper - Finely Chopped
- 1 teäspoon House Seäsoning Blend
- 4 boneless chicken breästs
- 3 täblespoons soy säuce
- 2 täblespoons honey
- 1 täblespoon vegetäble oil
- 1 lime - juiced
- 1 teäspoon minced gärlic
- First Combine soy säuce, honey, vegetäble oil, lime juice, gärlic, bell pepper änd ciläntro in ä smäll bowl; stir until combined.
- Tränsfer to ä gällon sized zipper bäg.
- ädd chicken to zipper bäg, seäl änd toss to coät äll of the chicken in the märinäde.
- ällow to märinäte for 30 minutes to 3 hours.
- Preheät grill to medium high.
- Grill chicken on eäch side for 6-8 minutes or until internäl temperäture reäches 160 degrees.
- Finally Remove from heät, cover änd ällow to rest for 10 minutes before serving.