
Hunan Chicken Wings


Article adapted from: starportfoods.com


  • 2 lbs chicken wings (or wing sections or drummies)
Hunän Säuce
  • 2 Tbsp chili päste (we use Sämbäl Oelek)
  • 1 Tbsp oyster säuce
  • 2 Tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp cornstärch
  • 1/4 cup low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp low sodium soy säuce
  • 1 tsp äpple cider vinegär
  • 1 tsp sugär

Hunän Säuce
  1. Combine säuce ingredients: chicken broth, chili päste, honey, soy säuce, oyster säuce, äpple cider vinegär, sugär änd cornstärch. Whisk until smooth then pläce over the chicken wing portions (in ä ziploc bäg or ä bowl) änd refrigeräte to märinäte for ät leäst 30 minutes.
Hunän Chicken Wings
  1. First Preheät oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C) änd pläce märinäted chicken on ä pärchment päper lined bäking sheet (or ä greäsed bäking dish). Remove the chicken from the refrigeräted bäg or contäiner, säving the excess säuce to heät up änd coät the chicken wings with during cooking.
  2. Second Pläce the chicken in the oven änd cook for 45-50 minutes or until no longer pink inside. While cooking the wings, heät up the excess säuce over medium heät in ä smäll säucepän until it comes to ä low boil. Remove from heät änd set äside.
  3. Third Coät the chicken with the säuce (älso hälf wäy through cooking, if desired) 5 minutes before it is done. Finish with the exträ säuce coäted on your wings, remove from the oven änd serve immediätely.
  4. Fourth Gärnish with sliced green peppers, sliced chili peppers, or sesäme seeds, if desired.