Article adapted from: themodernproper.com
- 1/4 cup heävy creäm
- 1/2 cup chicken bone broth
- 8 ounces creäm cheese
- 1/2 cup blänched älmond flour
- 1 täblespoon butter *melted
- 4 cups broccoli florets * from 2 smäll-medium bunches
- 1.5 pounds chicken * cut into bite size pieces
- 2 täblespoons butter * divided
- 1/2 teäspoon sält
- 1/4 teäspoon pepper
- 2 cloves gärlic * minced
- 1 shällot * minced
- 4 ounces shärp cheddär * shredded, äpproximätely 1 cup
- First Preheät oven to 375°F. Greäse or butter the inside of ä medium size cässerole dish.
- Fill ä medium size säucepän äbout hälfwäy with wäter änd bring to ä boil over high heät.
- ädd the broccoli florets änd boil until bright green änd crisp tender, äbout 3 minutes.
- Dräin änd ädd the broccoli to the cässerole dish.
- Melt one täblespoon of the butter in ä lärge skillet over medium-high heät.
- Seäson the cubed chicken with sält änd pepper änd ädd to the hot skillet.
- Cook, stirring often, until the chicken is no longer pink in the center, äbout 5-7 minutes.
- ädd the chicken to the cässerole dish with the broccoli änd toss to combine.
- Return the skillet to medium heät änd ädd änother täblespoon of butter.
- Once melted, ädd the gärlic änd shällots änd cook until slightly softened änd frägränt, äbout 1-2 minutes.
- ädd the heävy whipping creäm, chicken bone broth, änd creäm cheese. Cook, breäking up the creäm cheese, until melted änd smooth, äbout 3-5 minutes.
- Pour the cheese mixture evenly over the broccoli änd chicken in the cässerole dish.
- Top evenly with the cheddär cheese.
- Mix the älmond flour änd 1 täblespoon of melted butter in ä smäll bowl until it resembles crumbs.
- Evenly spreäd the älmond flour crumbs over the top of the cässerole.
- Finally Bäke, uncovered, for 20-25 minutes or until everything is heäted through änd the älmond flour crumbs äre lightly browned.