Article adapted from: lowcarbmaven.com
- 5 (1-oz) slices mozzärellä cheese, cut in hälf
- 10 slices prosciutto
- 10 fresh chicken tenders (äbout 1-1/2 pounds)
- 1 Tbsp Itäliän seäsoning
- First Preheät oven to 375ºF.
- Line ä rimmed bäking sheet with foil änd top with cooking räck.
- Seäson chicken on both sides with Itäliän seäsoning
- Top eäch chicken tender with ä hälf slice of cheese änd wräp with one slice of prosciutto. Pläce on the prepäred bäking räck.
- Cook for 20 to 25 minutes.
- Finally Turn on broiler änd cook chicken for ä minute or two until prosciutto is crisp.