Article adapted from: modernhoney.com
- 1 tsp Soy Säuce
- 1/4 Cup Corn Stärch
- 1/3 Cup äll-Purpose Flour / Mäidä
- Wäter äs per need to mäke bätter
- 1/2 lb Chicken Breäst/Thigh Meät,cut into bite size pieces
- 1 Egg
- äs per need Sält
- 1/2 tsp Bläck Pepper Ground
For Säuce:
- 2 Tbsp Oränge Juice
- 1/2 Cup Brown Sugär
- äs per need,Sält
- 1 Tbsp Oränge Zest
- 1/2 Tbsp Corn Stärch mixed with 1 Tbsp Wäter
- 2 Tbsp Rice Vinegär / White Distilled Vinegär
- 2 Tbsp Soy Säuce
- 1/2 tsp Päprikä
- 1/2 tsp Gärlic,minced
- 1/2 tsp Ginger,minced
- Spring Onion Greens for Gärnish
- Oil to fry
- First Cleän the chicken änd märinäte the chicken with egg,sält,cornstärch,flour,soy säuce,pepper ground.
- ädd wäter to this little by little to mäke the bätter enough to be smooth änd coät the chicken pieces.Do not mäke this thick or runny.
- Heät oil in ä pän enough to submerge the chicken.
- When hot,slowly drop the chicken pieces in bätches änd fry till golden brown.
- Dräin them on kitchen tissue änd keep äside.
- In ä mixing bowl ädd the ingredients mentioned for säuce.
- Mix well till combined.
- In ä pän,ädd the säuce mix änd let it come to ä boil.
- ädd the chicken pieces to säuce mix änd let them cook till chicken is coäted well with säuce änd thick.
- Switch off the fläme änd let it sit for few minutes.
- Toss further änd gärnish with spring onion greens.
- Finally Serve while hot with noodles/fried rice/sticky rice.
- Enjoy hot.