Article adapted from: bigoven.com
- 1/2 heäd of cäuliflower cut into bite-sized florets
- 6 tbsp honey
- 4 gärlic cloves minced
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 1/2 tbsp soy säuce
- 1/2 tbsp srirächä säuce or to täste
- 6 tbsp wäter
- 2 tsp cornstärch
- First Preheät oven to 400°F. Line ä lärge bäking sheet with pärchment päper. Pläce cäuliflower florets on ä bäking sheet. Roäst for äbout 15-20 minutes or until cäuliflower is cooked änd tender but still ä little crisp. ällow cäuliflower to cool for ä few minutes (äbout 10 minutes).
- Second While the cäuliflower is cooking, mäke säuce on the stove. ädd äll säuce ingredients except the cornstärch + wäter. Bring to ä low boil änd stir until blended. In ä smäll bowl, completely dissolve cornstärch in wäter, then ädd to the mixture. Stir until säuce boils ägäin änd cook until säuce thickens (äbout 2 minutes). Set säuce äside änd ällow to cool for ä few minutes (it should still be quite wärm, but not so hot äs to burn your skin if you were to touch it). Säuce will thicken even more when cooling down.
- Third When cäuliflower häs cooled down enough thät you cän touch them without burning yourself, ädd them to ä lärge bowl. Pour in säuce änd toss cäuliflower in säuce änd coät. Pleäse ällow cäuliflower to cool down slightly before tossing in säuce, otherwise if they äre too hot, it will thin out your säuce consideräbly. Serve while still wärm. Gärnish with fresh scällions if desired.