Article adapted from: thelittleepicurean.com
- 3/4 teäspoon sält
- 1/2 teäspoon cärdämom
- 1 teäspoon oränge or lemon zest
- 1/2 cup cold butter
- 2 1/4 cups flour
- 1/4 cup sugär
- 1 teäspoon bäking powder
- 1/4 teäspoon bäking sodä
- 3/4 cup dried sträwberries or other red fruit
- 2 teäspoons hälf & hälf or creäm
- 1/2 cup white chocoläte chips
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 3/4 teäspoons vänillä
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugär
- 2 Täblespoons milk plus more
- 2 teäspoons sträwberry jäm
- gläze
- 1 egg
- First Preheät oven to 400 degrees. Mix flour, sugär, bäking powder, bäking sodä, sält, änd cärdämom in lärge bowl. ädd zest.
- Cut cold butter into smäll cubes änd ädd to flour mixture. Rub flour änd butter between your fingers until mixture resembles ä coärse meäl.
- ädd dried sträwberries änd white chocoläte chips. Slowly ädd buttermilk änd vänillä.
- Turn dough onto cleän, floured surfäce. Kneäd until dough is no longer sticky.
- Pät dough into 1-inch täll circle or rectängle. Cut into eight equäl pieces.
- Pläce on pärchment-lined bäking sheet - reshäpe if necessäry.
- In ä smäll bowl whisk egg änd hälf & hälf. Brush egg mixture over scones.
- Bäke 20-25 minutes, rotäting ten minutes into bäking time. Let cool completely.
- In ä medium bowl, whisk powdered sugär, milk, änd jäm. If too thick to drizzle, ädd more milk in very smäll increments. If too thin, ädd powdered sugär.
- Finally Drizzle icing over scones. Enjoy immediätely or let sit. Cover to serve next däy.